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About Us

Outsourced Health and Safety

At SafeTrail, we are driven by our passion for workplace safety. As Occupational Health and Safety consultants, our mission is to foster safety-first cultures within businesses across South Africa.

We offer tailored solutions to address specific risks and compliance needs, ensuring a safer work environment for employees. What sets us apart is our dedication to continuous support through our monthly management of health and safety, providing ongoing monitoring, audits, and timely updates to keep safety protocols current.

With our client-centric approach, SafeTrail is your trusted partner in achieving compliance excellence and protecting your most valuable asset - your people.

OHS in Warehouse

Our Services

Comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Solutions

At SafeTrail, we offer a wide range of specialized services to ensure workplace safety and regulatory compliance. Our experts are dedicated to tailoring solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. Here's an overview of our core services:

Risk Assessments

Our team conducts thorough risk assessments to identify potential hazards in your workplace. By analyzing and evaluating risks, we provide practical solutions to mitigate risks and prevent accidents, safeguarding your employees and assets.

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Monthly Retainer

Beyond one-time consulting, our unique monthly retainer service ensures continuous Health and Safety oversight. With regular updates to files, ongoing training, and audits, we keep your safety protocols up-to-date, allowing you to focus on core operations with peace of mind.

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Health and Safety Files

We assist businesses in setting up comprehensive Health and Safety files that serve as essential references for workplace safety protocols and procedures. Our meticulously crafted files ensure that your organization adheres to the necessary legal requirements, minimizing risks and promoting a safe work environment.

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Why Choose Us As

Your Partner in Workplace Safety

At SafeTrail, we take pride in offering unparalleled Occupational Health and Safety consulting services that set us apart from the competition. When you choose SafeTrail, you gain access to a host of benefits that prioritize your workplace safety and compliance:

Personalized Solutions

We understand that each workplace is unique. Our tailored solutions address your specific safety risks and compliance needs, ensuring optimal safety measures for your industry and operations.

Expert Consultation

Our team of experts brings extensive industry knowledge and experience to the table. With their guidance, you can make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards a safer work environment.

Ongoing Support

Beyond the initial consultation, we offer a monthly retainer service that provides continuous Health and Safety oversight. Our team remains by your side, conducting regular audits, updating files, and offering timely support to keep your safety protocols current.

Client-Centric Approach

Your needs are our priority. We actively listen to your requirements, offer personalized attention, and adapt our services to align with your organization's goals and values.

Compliance Assurance

With SafeTrail, compliance becomes a seamless process. We keep you up-to-date with the latest regulations, ensuring you meet legal requirements and avoid penalties.